Company Name:
- 1800 889 9999 (From any other operator 9:30am to 6pm)
- 1800 889 3999 (Appellate Authority)
- 1800 890 1977 (Activate only Data services)
- 199 (From Jio number)
- 1977 ( For tele-verification process)
- 198 (For Complaint Helpline)
- 7000 77 0007 (Jio Mobile- WhatsApp Support)
- 7000 57 0005 (JioFiber-WhatsApp Support)
- +91 701 88 99999 (For support on International Roaming – charges applicable)
Important Links
Jiofi Activation Process
- Step 1: Open your newly purchased JioFi Box, which contains JioFi, Adaptor, Cable and Battery
- Step 2: Open the back cover of JioFi, insert your Jio SIM and battery. Make sure that the chip of SIM card is facing down and close the cover.
- Step 3: Press and hold the power on button to switch on the JioFi
- Step 4: You’ll now see Signal Indicator, Wi-Fi indicator and Battery indicator lit up
- Step 5: Please see that the Signal indicator is Green / Blue in colour to ensure JioFi is in good network coverage
- Step 6: Set up of your JioFi device is complete and is ready to use