Amazon Prime Video Punjab Customer Care Number

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How to login ?

To sign up for Amazon Prime monthly or 1-year paid membership anytime in the future-

  • Go to Amazon Prime page
  • Click or tap the sign-up button.
  • Follow on-screen instructions to complete the payment and sign up.

If you want to Cancel Prime Video Subscription ?

  • Go to Account & Settings, then select the  Your Account tab.
  • For a Prime Video-only subscription, select. Prime Video is also included
    with an Amazon Prime membership – to cancel an Amazon Prime membership,
    under , select Edit on Amazon.

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Report a Content Grievance in India

Amazon Prime, Prime Video Channels and Prime Video Mobile Edition members can file/raise
a content grievance in India.

They will response within 24 hours and provide you with a reference number to track your complaint
an process your complaint respond within 15 days from the date of receipt of a complete complaint.. 

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